Author Topic: 8 month old, wants 2 night feeds, not very interested in solids  (Read 1161 times)

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Offline fruity

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Hi, I have an almost 9 month old who was 5 weeks prem. She is not overly interested in solids, maybe a max of 2 little jars per day. She has around 19oz formula during the day max and up to 14oz during the night. We also have a 2 1/2 year old who has just started sleeping through so we are exhausted. Any advice please on increasing solids and reducing night feeds. Here is her EASY-
6.30 Awake plays in her cot
7.00 Eat up to 7oz formula
8.00 Eat offer her cereal, toast, fruit
8.30 Getting grouchy so prep for a nap
8.45 Asleep falls asleep by herself, no dummy, sometimes wakes but self settles
10.00 Awake

10.15 Offer her formula, usually refuses
11.00 Offer her solids, takes abt 6 tablespoons max then nibbles on fruit
12.00 offer her formula, usually refuses
12.45 Asleep
2.00 Awake offer her formula, takes abt 5oz
3.30 Eat around 6 table spoons of solids
4.00 nap
4.50 Offer her solids, usually refuses
Activity, inc bath
6.30 has 7oz then bed

Then she will wake anytime between 8 and 5, usually twice and takes a full bottle each time.
We will be so grateful for some help.

Offline Bex09

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Re: 8 month old, wants 2 night feeds, not very interested in solids
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2012, 20:24:09 pm »
Hi there, I think you would have more success if you moved on to a 4 hr EASY, so you offer milk every 4 hours rather than every 3. Most LOs around this age are also doing nearer to 3 hrs of A time too, so maybe you could add an extra 10 or 15 mins on to the first A time in the morning every few days. Once your A times are longer you can then drop the CN. Hopefully these tweaks will help your LO to feed a little better. Maybe you could work towards something like...

WU- 6.30
E- 7.00 milk, 8.00 solids
A - 3 hrs
S- 9.30-11.00
E- 11.00 milk, 12.00 solids
A - 3 hrs
S - 2.00-3.30
E- 3.30 milk, 4.30/5.00 solids
A- 3 hrs
E- 6.15 milk
S- BT 6.30

What do you think? Hopefully if you can space things out more and get more milk into your DD in the day you should be able to reduce the NFs. Is she fed to sleep at the NW?

Offline fruity

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Re: 8 month old, wants 2 night feeds, not very interested in solids
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2012, 21:41:32 pm »
Thank you!
I will give that a go, I think she could extend her A time, especially in the morning.

She is sometimes drowsy after her night feed but I wouldn't say she was actually asleep. She goes back to her cot and then falls asleep again by herself.

What would you suggest if she refuses the milk? Should I offer solids or wait a bit and see if she will take milk again later?


Offline Bex09

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Re: 8 month old, wants 2 night feeds, not very interested in solids
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2012, 21:31:43 pm »
You may find that your DD can jump straight to the 4 hr EASY in terms of milk feeds but the A time will need to be added gradually. If she still refuses milk after 4 hrs then I would probably wait until an hr later and offer her milk and/or solids then. I am sure she will get the hang of it soon.