Hi, I have an almost 9 month old who was 5 weeks prem. She is not overly interested in solids, maybe a max of 2 little jars per day. She has around 19oz formula during the day max and up to 14oz during the night. We also have a 2 1/2 year old who has just started sleeping through so we are exhausted. Any advice please on increasing solids and reducing night feeds. Here is her EASY-
6.30 Awake plays in her cot
7.00 Eat up to 7oz formula
8.00 Eat offer her cereal, toast, fruit
8.30 Getting grouchy so prep for a nap
8.45 Asleep falls asleep by herself, no dummy, sometimes wakes but self settles
10.00 Awake
10.15 Offer her formula, usually refuses
11.00 Offer her solids, takes abt 6 tablespoons max then nibbles on fruit
12.00 offer her formula, usually refuses
12.45 Asleep
2.00 Awake offer her formula, takes abt 5oz
3.30 Eat around 6 table spoons of solids
4.00 nap
4.50 Offer her solids, usually refuses
Activity, inc bath
6.30 has 7oz then bed
Then she will wake anytime between 8 and 5, usually twice and takes a full bottle each time.
We will be so grateful for some help.