Hi! Just to chime in!m
I went nuts on those short naps. And honestly, I think it's normal and developmental at this age to have short naps.
Bbys organize their days between 3-6mths. My son didn't start lengthening his naps, more "consistently" until 5mths. By 6mths he had the length down
So try not to stress it too much. Also at the 4mth mark, most bbys go thru a slight regression. A lot changes for them at this age.
I know short naps stink! (totally been there and stressed myself out over them!) but the best you can do is if you can't extend, then don't! Just shorten the next AT and go from there!
Tht wrkd for me. I lost the patience to try and extend the naps- patting, shh'ing and other non cry it out solutions. Just know its developmental too...and sometimes NOTHING we do will extend the naps. It's a common phase! I learned the hard way
If I were you I'd continue to try to teach independent sleep thru the short naps. And one day, ur baby will surprise you! And start sleeping through.
My son was addicited to being rocked to sleep...I weaned tht first and then long naps came soon after when the time was right for him.
I'm currently working on 3-2 nap transition, I'm back to short naps, Blimmey! :-/
Cheer up, if you get short naps....then shorten the AT's and add extra naps if u have to to avoid ot. Hope this helps.