Hi Sabs - I PM'd you.
Agree with Brooke re the nap cut & I also think the earlier wake may be a sign she needs a longer AM A time, perhaps 6hrs now.
I think the only risk with waiting for her to catch up first before you cut is that while you keep offering the longer nap, she will continue to pull a shorter night. And the more shorter nights she does, the more OT she will get, then you get all the crying when you wake her in the morning/from her nap like you are getting now. Its very difficult b/c most folks would say if she is crying then she is OT, which yes she may be, but its probably UT at the root cause of it all.
IIWM I would probably try the 1.5hr nap for a week or two. She might need it even shorter. The only thing I will say though is that if you keep the nap & BT where they currently are, but shorten the nap to under 1.5hrs, you may find she gets OT by bedtime. I've found O copes better these days with a slightly longer morning & shorter afternoon, so if nap cutting & keeping nap time the same doesn't help, then I would try very gently nudging her nap later towards 1pm & this may encourage a later WU.