Author Topic: BT troubles for 2 yr old  (Read 669 times)

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BT troubles for 2 yr old
« on: April 30, 2012, 16:58:08 pm »
I know the average sleep in a 24 hour period is about 13 hours for a 2 year old but mine is averaging about 12 currently.
 It seemed to change right when he turned 2.  We are having the hardest time getting him down at night.  His current schedule is:
6:30am Wake
12:30-2/2:15pm Nap
8/8:15pm Asleep
We PD around 7:30/7:40ish and he will be quiet for a little while then the loud playing begins.  If I go up there, I will tell him sternly that I am taking his blankie or lovey b/c he is playing.  He then cries and after about a minute I give them back and he goes to sleep.  I really hate this thing we have going on.  I have tried leaving him and not going in but it will easily be 8:30 if not later before he falls asleep and then he's up at the same time.  I have tried giving him a warning before taking something but that doesn't work either.  I have also tried a 7am BT and 8pm BT. 
Current routine for BT is 2 books, 2 songs, lay down and leave.  It has been this way since he was bout 2 mos.  Anyone have any tricks that worked for them around this age?  I have heard of people starting to incorporate a little chatting about the day at BT so the LO can process what has gone on but I worry that may get him really going.  But I could be wrong.  Also, he is so loud that it is keeping DD up even with a sound machine on in her room.