Author Topic: 3 mo old and let down is gone  (Read 1123 times)

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3 mo old and let down is gone
« on: May 02, 2012, 14:54:01 pm »
Please Help!  DD is almost 3 mo old and suddenly I am not letting down anymore.  For the past 2 days I have only felt a let down one time.  I am getting so nervous every time I nurse that I'm not going ot let down, and I don't.  I know I need to relax, but I can't seem to.  I even took a hot shower before nursing but it didn't help.  I tried pumping after and didn't get a let down then either, and got far less than normal and I pumped way longer.

DD is sleeping through the night, and napping ok, and overall happy.  Is it possible that I am letting down and not feeling it?  I've always felt the let down, and with my last baby too.  Why would I suddenly stop feeling the let down? 

I think she's frustrated on the breast beacuse she's tugging and pulling and it seems eventually giving up.....I don't notice her settle in to a good feeding rythem suck, swallow like before....but she's not crying when she comes off....and she's not acting cranky/hungry thorugh her A time.  Any thoughts, ideas?
If she went througha  GS, could that have changed things for her and me?
Thank you!

Offline Roseii

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Re: 3 mo old and let down is gone
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2012, 15:09:50 pm »
Hi hun, it's not unusual to stop feeling the let down, it doesn't mean it's not happening. As you know the fact that you're stressed about it is not helping ;) Try getting in the most relaxed position you can feed in, skin to skin with baby, even in a warm bath if you can, dim the lights. If there's some music that relaxes you try that, and you can also do some gentle massaging and nipple rolls before feeding. If she is feeding ok, plenty of wet nappies, and putting on weight then all looks good :)
Hugs, I know it's stressful xxx
Blessed mum to two home-birthed darling water babies

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Re: 3 mo old and let down is gone
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2012, 18:35:25 pm »
What Charli said :)

Also 3m is GS territory and when the way your body produces milk starts to change ( hence often stopping feeling a letdown.  Each nursing relationship is different, so even if you always felt a letdown with previous babies doesn't mean the same will be true with this baby.
*** Amanda ***

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Re: 3 mo old and let down is gone
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2012, 10:52:01 am »
I had this at one point early on- possibly a similar time.. it was really scary! BUT it did start up again.. Mine i think was at the same time as AF came back.. or i was getting one anyway... He even looked up at me perplexed at one point!

So it could be hormonal- some of us VERY lucky ladies get AF back even with breastfeeding ::)
Katy, Mummy to Hamish!

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Re: 3 mo old and let down is gone
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2012, 14:45:12 pm »
What Charli said :)

Also 3m is GS territory and when the way your body produces milk starts to change ( hence often stopping feeling a letdown.  Each nursing relationship is different, so even if you always felt a letdown with previous babies doesn't mean the same will be true with this baby.

Kellymom has great info! I had this around 6 months and was super stressed about it too. Don't worry it will come back w/ frequent nursings and yes you're probably in a big big GS so just offer and let her nurse as much as she wants.
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