First, just want to say huge huge hugs to you.
After reading through your posts, I seriously would like to vote for the co-sleeping suggestion made earlier. I know you said she doesn't want to do that, but from reading what you said, she only seems to resist it after you have been on one of the stand offs against her. Perhaps she is too upset and emotional at that point to settle into bed with you. What if you tried just bringing her into bed with you at the first night waking after you go to bed? Just let her snuggle to sleep with you for the night? let her nurse if she wants, and then just try to see how her nights will go for a while after that. I know you said she is often not hungry, or wanting her paci etc. Perhaps what she wants most of all is just a cuddle from you in the middle of the night. i think in the situation you are in right now, it could get to a point where it's impossible to know what she really wants or needs when she wakes, because even if what she originally woke for is a bf, after holding out on her for a few hours and then offering it to her later on, she might not be emotionally ready to take it at that point, confusing the issue even further.
By taking the stress out of it all for a bit, it might reset things and try again a bit further down the line. Having both coslept and had a full time crib baby, it has been my experience that it was far easier to wean night feeds with a cosleeping baby. Sometimes all they want is that closeness, that connectedness. It is not unreasonable for her to wake and want to nurse for a few mins in the middle of the night, because you know bf-ing is not just a method of transferring milk and calories, it is about so much more. Is it frustrating when they wake so much...yes! But it is such a brief period in their lives, it goes by in the blink of an eye. I just feel so bad that you are all under so much stress about this. It's not fair on her, it's definitely not fair on you. I think just stepping back for a while with no rules and expectations might be the best thing for now. Is it possible to sidecar the crib to your bed so you all have more space?