Author Topic: Breaking a bad ff habit?!  (Read 1298 times)

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Breaking a bad ff habit?!
« on: May 08, 2012, 14:28:30 pm »
   my 5 week old baby girl has got into a really bad habit!! She used to take 4/5 oz every 3/3 1/2  hours, now she'll take 2 & stop. She'll clench her gums .& lips so that we can't get bottle back in. We can push & wiggle it back in, but she spits it out.
   If we offer it again in an hour she takes it no prob!!! Now, she knows that if she inly takes a bit- we'll offer it again !Little monkey! The problem is- feed takes well over an hour then. HV says we should give her the 2 oz then leave it until next feed time. Obviously this causes tears & crying. She is gaining weight well, and is very content, but we just want to break this bad habit!!!
  All opinions/ideas will be received with open arms!!!

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Re: Breaking a bad ff habit?!
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2012, 12:27:19 pm »
HV says we should give her the 2 oz then leave it until next feed time. Obviously this causes tears & crying.

I would try to wait as long as possible before giving her more.  You could offer it again closer to the initial time, say 30 minutes, if she doesn't take it, throw it away and try to get her to her normal feeding time as much as possible.  It'll take a bit but you should be able to stretch her. Otherwise she'll get in a pattern where she just snacks all the time.

Could it be she's ready to move to a faster nipple? She's still young, but depending on which bottle you use, sometimes the slowest nipple is really slow.

HTH :)

« Last Edit: May 09, 2012, 12:29:22 pm by *Elise* »