An update of today...
DS woke up at 7:32 (better than yesterday, but still early) - slept just above 10 hours 30 min. Morning a time was 3 hours 24 min, nap 1 was 1 hour 38 min. Afternoon a time was 3 hors 23 min, nap 2 was 1 hour 16 min. A time to bed time was 3 hours 21 min. Slept at 8:35 for the night.
For both naps today, DS didn't use paci to fall asleep. But for nap 1, he woke at 45 min and seemed not able to get back to sleep, so I used paci after a little pupd and pat didn't work (I was too afraid of him not getting back to sleep) - **i wonder why he woke up and needed help to get back to sleep since he fell to sleep on his own at the beginning of the nap? ** for nap 2, he didn't wake during the sleep. ** It seems that sometimes he an do the sleep transitions on his own, and sometimes he can't. I still cannot figure out the rationale behind that. Thoughts? ** - this really bothers me. I was holding breath at these transition times I.e. 35 min, 45min. I am really stressed.