Hes definately not wheat intolerant as he eats bread, cereal, home made fruit cakes etc all obviously containing wheat.
The bread stick we gave him had dry milk products in, we would not normaly give him things like that, i always check the ingrediants list to see if it contains milk in any way shape or form. He also does not have yoghurt, cheese, butter etc.
Before he had the sickness bug he was fine, had no problems with any food, I had been using cows milk in cooking etc, he was on SMA from around 5months, and as I said hes been fine, it was only when he had this bug and didn't get over it GP recommended a change in diet for 6 wks, taking us to just a bit short of 10months when we reintroduced the cooked milk in the breadstick.
When we changed his diet the D&V stopped completely within about 10days, and if im honest there was a massive improvement in just a few days.