Hey ladies,
We're in day 3 and Things seem to be progressing nicely. DD wakes around 1/2am for a bit of a chat or grumble but it's not for long, certainly not the hour long entertainment sessions we were having but us Sleeping 11h and is so much happier for it, yay!
Day 1 was a bit rocky, she napped for over 3h before waking herself and that night did wake at 1am and 4.45 but went back off. Yesterday, she only napped for 2h and had to have a 20m CN, BT at 7. I heard something from her around 2ish but she otherwise STTN and has just woken (6.15). I know it's early days but thank you, I feel like I am finally getting somewhere.
One query (there's always one!!) DD has a party to go to on Sat, it's at 12noon. Is there anyway to work her naps so as not to mess things up? I thinking she should perhaps miss the party, but equally that feels a bit mean. Any thoughts?