Hello all, it's nice to see some familiar faces as I've been away for so long. My LO is 2y 7m. This week has been a nightmare. We had three days in a row of no naps. Previous to these 3 days out routine looked like this:
Awake: 745 - 8 AM
In crib: 1:30
Asleep: 2:00
Nap capped: 3:15-3:30
In crib: 8:30
Asleep: 9:00pm
Then it started to take him much longer to fall asleep for his nap, more than an hour. So we tried a later nap time and it was successful: napping 3-3:30 - 4:15-4:45, with the same BT and the same sleep over night about 11 hours.
And then came than the no nap days. Day one he woke at about 12:30 AM soaking wet changed him and he went right back. The next no nap day he woke up around 12:45 AM and just needed a rub on his back and went right back to sleep. The thiday no nap day he slept through the night.
Yesterday was the fourth day, and he was exhausted. I let him nap from 150pm, and he woke on his own at 4pm. He fell right asleep at BT, even before nine last night. But then woke at 12:30 and was up for a while and then again at 6:15am. I'm not sure if he fell back to sleep but we got out of the crib at 7:50 today. Again exhausted this morning. Fell asleep in less than 10 minutes when I put him in the crib at 12:45, and now he's awake at 2:30.
I let him sleep so long yesterday to avoid overtired, but then I think the NW last night might be from under tired. Help! This is crazy!