EAT > Breast Feeding

Working moms/mums - come share tips and get support too! #3

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Katy, it's a support thread for those working and breastfeeding really, but as you're doing both, chat away :)

Welcome Katy!
I'll be back soon to post properly.
I have to eat something before "dream pumping".  :P

argh.  daycare makes me want to cry.  It seemed he was doing well at the end of the week, but today was rough after a long holiday weekend.  I came home to a zombie-like baby with salt crusted to the sides of his face and in hair.  They promised they don't do CIO.  They said he got a 45min, 1hr, and 2hr nap in today...which isn't horrible...but he was falling asleep on the boob for his BT feed.  He hasn't done that since he was quite little.  I was so worried I wouldn't be able to get enough in him to help him STTN.  We're trying to push a little extra into his dreamfeed to get him through the night.  He so badly needs that sleep after a day like today.  Days like today make it hard to go back to work  :(

Well today was my first day back at work. It wasn't too bad, but DD did not nap at all at the babysitters, of course. She is a notorious non-napper, so I'm not totally surprised, but it still sucks. I went over there at lunch to nurse her, and she had just fallen asleep. Dummy me thought, "oh, I'll just barely wake her up and nurse her right back to sleep". Nope, my DD thought she'd fall asleep nursing, but be wide-eyed as soon as I put her down. Obviously a mistake on my part.
Work itself was fine. My boss is out of town, so that helps, but finding time to pump was tough. Between meetings, sorting through 800+ emails and just catching up with people took a lot of time. I also realized that I simply need to leave early. Getting home at 6 just isn't going to work.

Fingers crossed that tomorrow goes better for my LO!


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