My two week old is a nightmare to settle and get to sleep in the day, he is overtired and very sleepy but he just cries in his moses basket, the only way I can get him to sleep is feeding him and then he falls sleep or he sleeps in our arms, sometimes he wakes up after 5 mins so we have to start it all over again.
My first child was the same and he was a terrible sleeper in the day up to the age of 1 and the only way to get him to sleep was to take him out in his pushchair and I don’t really want to go down that route again.
Any tips? I think someone said to me they are too young to be left crying? My mum says I shouldn’t pick him up and let him cry but he is only 2 weeks!
Also I should add that he is very windy and I have my suspicions, that like my first child he might have silent reflux, not completely sure but I think that might be part of the problem. I have raised the end of the pram and the moses basket but it hasn’t made much of a difference.