Oh my gosh, sounds like my house these days! I have a 10.5 week old as well struggling with some napping issues on top of it all!
Fiona, my 2.5yo, does still nap, but we've cut it back and asked daycare to limit it to 1.5 hrs. HOWEVER, she's still waking at 5:30am almost everyday!!! Usually followed by an enormous messy poop! (not potty trained yet - a little busy with new baby haha) we've been sticking very strictly with a 7:30pm bedtime, as in she is lying in bed at 7:30 (probably does't fall asleep until maybe 7:45 or so, depending on how much monkeying around she does), but like you, the nonsense and tantrums are unbelievable!! last night wasn't too bad, she got out of bed about 10min after going to bed to tell me she didn't want her blankie on, to which I replied "Fiona, then just take it off", to which she replied, throwing her lovey on the floor "I don't WANT my blankie" ... "fine, back to bed"
joyful. And luckily, in bed she stayed. However, the night before was a full 1hr of screaming because she kept getting in and out of bed and we put her back in, took away the blankie becuase she didn't want it, but of course wanted it after saying she didn't, and having her water cup thrown at the back of her door as we stood outside it. What a pleasant evening that was. I tell you, it gave me dreadful visions of what she could be like when she's a teenager - ack!
so what's the solution here? We've been consistent for over a week with the shorter naps and bedtime, and still have EW and nonsense at bedtime
even the days when she has her big poop after supper time, she'll still have one in the morning! I'm convinced the feeling of having to go is what's waking her up, but how to tell? (mind you, she doesn't poop every morning, so maybe that's not it....)