Hello, I'm quite nervous to post on here as I only got my DS's (he's 33 months old) gro clock 4 days ago, and I really don't want to jiinx it, but here's our story. We have been having many EWs at like 5.30 or even earlier and he'd always get out of bed and come to our room. If I took him back he'd fuss and usually end up not sleeping again, but sometimes if he came in with us he'd sleep till 6.30/7am if lucky, but sometimes would just mess about and be awake for day.
Anyhoo, the first night of clock I set for 6am which only gave him a 10hr night, but I did not want to make it unrealistic so he wouldn't be able to stay till the sun came out. I explained the clock to him and he seemed very excited. He woke at 5ish but did not get out of bed, I went and tucked him in and told him I'd see him when the sun came up, and he went back to sleep, at 6.15 he came into my room, and said I did it mummy, I praised him and he was so happy. The second night I moved to 6.15 and had similar success, the third night we were away from home and he stayed in his nanna's room, which he has never done before. I took the clock and left it at 6.15. He still woke at 5 but she managed to get him to go back to sleep till 6.20 so again he did it. Tonight I have moved another 10 mins to 6.25 this will be tougher as he fell asleep sooner than I thought he would and it means 11hrs in bed, which on a nap day is generally never achieved, I'm just hoping the praise he gets means he will at least stay in bed if not asleep. But the gro clock is my new best friend, I love it.
I think the key to success is to be realistic then slowly move to an ideal time, it makes them realise they can do it :-D x