Hi all
DS is 21 months, language development is pretty good. Always been an early riser and have posted quite a bit to get to a fairly decent routine. We are doing something like WU 5.45, nap 1ish (1hr45 at weekends and 2 afternoons at grandparents, other days at nursery can be shorter), bed 7ish. Seems like we are always on catch up due to either EWs or short naps. He is a touchy sleeper and prone to OT.
Bought a gro clock to see if we can get to a 6.15/6.30 WU as I know he really benefits from a solid 11hr night and wouldn't mind shifting our routine forward a bit before the nights start getting longer.
I suppose my initial question is - How do I really know if he is ready to give it a try? And how long did you talk about/show how the clock works before taking the plunge?