Hi everyone,
I've just ordered H a gro clock so it should be here later this week. I'm just deliberating when to start using it though and it'd be great if some one could help me think this through..
She is teething pretty badly atm (canines) so we're getting EWs, although I fear they are also becoming partly habit since even with meds she doesn't resettle

She's getting OT and grumpy as a consequence.
I'm just wondering has anyone tried introducing a gro clock while their LO is teething? I was thinking of doing it v gently, so only set it for say 10 mins after her EW time ATM and then only move it on once it seems to be helping. I always try to resettle her anyway so I can't think there'd be any harm in trying with a clock iyswim? At the moment she just asks for milk and cries a bit until she gets it (of course I'm with her trying to resettle her, not leaving her) and never actually goes back to sleep. From her PoV it probably seems like if she keeps asking I will eventually start the day and bf her, although in fact I'm actually waiting for a "reasonable" time and hoping she'll nod off again before then! With a clock though - if she knows the sun isn't up yet she might make more of an effort to wait/sleep until the sun is up, rather than keep asking until I feed her..

What do you think? Just trying to get this sorted in my head.. Or dyt I should wait until the canines are through (which could be a few weeks or more - she is a slow teether!) before starting?