DS is 6 months old. He won't tolerate any solid foods, and he's exclusively fed with Nutramigen AA. He has reflux which is medicated with Nexium and Zantac (we just added the zantac 1 month ago as he was unwell with the nexium max dose). Makes me thing there is definitely an underlying issue here, because it just does not make sense! The paed has also referred us to a paed GI for an endoscopy, we are still wiating for the phone call though!
I was reading the ingredients on the Nut AA box today and saw corn syrup as the first ingredient. I did a little search and saw that it is also a relatively common allergy for LO's. From what I read, for LO's allergic to corn Alimentum RTF is the best formula.
We're meeting the allergist on Wednesday so I'd like to be prepared and I wanted to know... anyone had a baby allergic to corn? Anyone benefitted from switching from Nut AA (or Neocate) to Alimentum?
He's still got mucousy poops on the Nut AA which is technically weird since Nut AA is supposed to be completely 'allergy-free'.
He also gets red and swollen around the eyes lately. Read somewhere that is an allergy sign. COuld it be just seasonal allergies, or a sign of a food allergy still bothering him?