i kept a food journal for a week for the nutritionist, who reviewed it and put us on a low fructose ED. keeping that journal is hard work! a bite here, a bite there...i should probably do it again once we start reintroducing again. i am talking with the nutritionist today about reintroducing so i can have a plan.
he has been dairy/gluten/soy free, in addition to other high-fructose items, for 2.5 weeks...except 3 days ago i was desperate to feed him, he was refusing everything, and we were out, so i got a panini at Starbucks and let him have 3 small bites of bread and gave him chicken with a little bit of cheese on it, and yup, horribly loose stools the next day.

the next day i kept to his ED and the day after that (1st day of stool collection) he had the best stools he has had in months. yesterday i gave him lactose-free yogurt (part of our original reintroduction plan) so we will see what his diapers offers me today. LOL.
yes, i can take him to an allergist if i choose to. i am waiting to hear on the results of the blood/stool tests...and the GI did offer that food allergy diagnosis in kids is really tricky but she seems to suspect dairy since he could not even handle lactose free milk products before his ED.