Hi, just had a quick look on the allergies board not really expecting FPIES to be here but it is!
I think we had an episode like this on Wednesday. But it's strange, I haven't introduced anything? No solids as yet, but he woke, took his bottle, and about an hour later was reeeeeeally tetchy, fussy.
I thought it was weird for him to be so tired so soon but a change of scenery wasn't helping, he was acting tired, so I took him up and started the whole 'nap time' process. Laid him down and said out loud to DH 'it's weird I don't think he's tired' and as I said it he projectiles across the room (sorry TMI), he started screaming and I just scooped him up, both of us covered, me crying like a loon ha!
DH came and held him while I got it together wracking my brains for what was wrong with him? I was downstairs cooling some boiled water for him as it was all I could think of.
Went back up and he was all sleepy on dad so DH just told me to put him into bed, we both thought he must have a bug. He was in there 2mins and did it again.
After we gave him an oz or so of water DH had to go to work, so I just sat with bubba on the sofa, he was sooooo dozy. Then in his sleep he projectiled again, then started kind of dry gagging (like when youve had waaaaay too much to drink - weve all been there!) and was white as a sheet, I felt his head thinking he must have a temp but he was cold and clammy...
This REALLY worried me - I couldn't work out if he was floppy or just sleepy it was horrible. In the end I gave up waiting for the doctors surgery to open and took him upstairs with me so I could quickly get dressed and I was gonna take him to hospital.
I laid him on my bed, recovery position, just while I threw some bottoms on and changed my soaked top.
Then I hear him gurgle.... Turned round and he's grinning at me?! Colour had come back to his face, exactly back to his normal self? I was so confused?
Anyway sorry for the long story - a doctor eventually called me back as I just wanted to know what to do regarding dehydration but I'd had a wet nappy out of him and he'd taken a bottle and kept it down so I thought he must be fine. The doctor reckons a bit of phlegm must have made him gag - I was like 'oooookaaaay thanks for your help!'.
So it was basically this episode that made me google his symptoms, think I wrote 'vomiting, cold and clammy, baby' something like that and found info on FPIES.
He is a very sicky/refluxy baby anyway - and this info said that the mild reaction can be just that, and loose stools - well his nappies have always been hideous but I thought that was normal. But as I was reading about the pale clamminess it was basically saying that was shock?!
So it could just be a coincidence - it has NEVER happened since he's been on formula, his vomiting was the whole reason I switched to formula as an elimination diet thing was taking too long to work out, and I just wanted him better. But he's always been very very sicky, it's constant, all day every day and HVs just tell me it's posseting and you just go 'yeah ok if you say so' but as he's healthy and gaining weight I didn't think it was a problem but after that the other day I'm a bit spooked.
So does that sound like something I should pursue to you guys? Even Dr 'probably just gagged' said a bug/infection wouldn't come and go that quickly....
If you don't mind me tagging on here your thoughts would be appreciated. What with his flat head and now this I'm starting to feel like I'm looking for these things!