I'm just looking for any stories of tongue tie and bottle feeding. My DS had a TT which got clipped at 10 days, but they couldn't clip all of it without putting him under GA and now it seems like it's growing back.
Feeds are annoying, he bobs on and off all the time. It always takes 2-3 sitting, me walking around the house, opening the TV to distract him. He does not look in pain, he is fully medicated for his reflux (Nexium AND Zantac) and is not having allergic reactions since he has not had solid food for 3 weeks and is drinking Nutramigen AA.. He is not even spitting up at all these days so really I highly doubt that reflux is the issue here.
I've made an appointment with the pediatric dentist that clipped it (because it was severe / complicated TT, the doctors could not do anything for me but referred me to that dentist who clipped it with a laser), but it's only July 11th and I'm getting impatient a little
I think that might be causing the issue, but when I search on google, I mostly find symptoms of TT for breastfed babies, not much about bottle fed babies.