what is the best way to nurse him so the let down doesn't bother him and that he doesn't fill on formilk and not receive enought hind milk
You can lie back a bit so the milk isn't flowing with gravity
http://biologicalnurturing.com/You can massage the breast near the chest wall to help the fats get out of the ducts more easily - foremilk gradually changes to hindmilk through the feeding as the readily available milk leaves the breast, its not a defined amount of milk or time that will give you hindmilk.
You can look at block feeding (feeding from one breast for a particular amount of time or number of feeds) if you think your supply is so high LO is not getting enough fats - it will reduce your supply though, so its probably not something to do early on, until your supply is established unless you're certain about the oversupply.
Remember that you get more than one letdown per feeding, so if LO pulls off coughing/spluttering/crying & frustrated during a feed, it could just be another letdown has surprised him, not that he wants to change sides.
In hindsight, at 6.5 weeks, I'd just follow the EAS order to get him used to the routine and predictability. I wouldn't worry about putting him down awake until closer to 3 months. I would keep a nappy change or a slight rousing between feeding and putting into bed though, so he's not feeding directly to sleep. How long are feedings taking at the moment?
If he feeding more frequently the last day or two? It could be a growth spurt in which case you just feed when he wants to and sneak in sleep when you can.