Yes, I was going to ask about the discomfort - do you think that could still be playing a part in the short naps?
I'm not so sure. I think we've managed to control it and it doesn't look like in the days when I was sure it was discomfort.
Does he suffer from reflux at all?
I really can't tell. We give him the Losec but I think the intolerance was the real reason for his discomfort, though I had some feedings in the last w days where I felt that he suffers from reflux - he didn't want to eat and cried when I tried to get him to my breast, and since I felt that my breast is quite full I tend to believe that he hardly ate. It was horrible...But - he managed to sleep 1 hour for the morning nap and 2 hours in the second nap (we actually woke him up since it has been 2 hours and it was getting late).
Unfortunately he didn't sleep again the afternoon cat nap. It's been like that the whole week. I just don't know why....
This night I BF feed him the DF (usually DH gives him EBM but since it was quite late - almost midnight - I BF). We got out (first time for a long time - really needed that) and since everything was really late yesterday the DF came late. Unfortunatelly - this feed wasn't a DF - he cried and didn't eat much and I cried too
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Luckily he got back to sleep though he was all waken up.
At 5am he woke - and I just felt that this is a habbit (since it's been like this for the last few days - always the same hour). I gave the paci and put my hand on him. After 5 min he got back to sleep and woke again at 6:20. Because of all the night issues and the fact he went to sleep late, I treated this feed as NW and got him back to sleep. He slept till 7:20 (once again - a habbit) DH gave him the paci and he finally woke up at 8:30.
Sorry, not sure I understand - is BT bedtime or bathtime???
BT = bath time
there's a wonder week at 18/19 weeks which can trigger unsettled sleep (and less sleep in some babies) for a couple of weeks.
It looks like every week is a ownder week. I'm so depressed that my LO doesn't nap well because of discomfort. I feel useless - I can't help him. I want him to eat well, but he refuses and he doesn't gain a lot of weight.
I just wish this period will pass
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