Yes, it's perfectly normal to still have two NFs at this age. The general rule that many follow is to not feed more often at night than during the day, so if she can go 4hr during the day, then don't feed sooner than 4hr at night. It seems like you're doing that with shh/pat to settle her before that time, so I think you're on the right track. Waking within an hour of resettling does often indicate hunger, so I think youre right in your assessment there as well.
There is a big GS at 4 mo, which it sounds like you noticed and is likely over. There is also commonly a sleep regression, which sometimes means the extra waking at night that happens during the GS kind of sticks around afterward. That might be part of your case here, but I think there are a few things to work on to see if you can't get rid of those extra wakes.
First, it's very common for EBF babies to need an extra day feed still, even if they can make it to a 4hr EASY. Lots of EBF babies don't actually make the full 4hr until they start solids around 5.5-6mo. I notice your last BF of the day is either really long, or you do it at some point in that interval that you wrote down. I think instead of that, I might try a cluster feed, so feed her upon waking from the CN and then again before bed. This will add in that extra feed and hopefully help to space out the NFs. Then, you're safe to shh/pat any wake that would happen before 4hr. As for the DF, you can certainly try it. I would give it up to two weeks though (at least one) before you reassess to see if it's made a difference. After that, the same rule would apply in not feeding under 4 hr.
Another thing to tweak a bit is her routine. She's doing nice, long naps for you, which is great, but be careful in letting them not get too long. Anything over two hrs for both of the main naps has the potential to take from night sleep. So, I'd err on the side of waking at 2hr. If she's had a short nap in there for some reason, you can obviously let her go over, but otherwise, I'd wake at 2hr. Because she's also doing a bit of waking mid-nap, I'd make sure you keep pushing her to at least 2hr A, as this may be an early sign that she's starting to get ready for a bit more A time.
Also, it's perfectly fine to have her swaddled still. As long as she's not rolling over, there's no harm in it provided it's not a restrictive swaddle (i.e. she can move her limbs a bit still). I did wonder about the night you swaddled and then put the sleeping bag over her. While I'm not sure I can recommend that if it's a SIDS risk, it made me wonder if she's a bit cold and that could be a factor in the NWs. It wouldn't be the first time a LO has been waking more frequently due to temperature, so something to keep in mind.
Finally, as for the sleep training when your DH is off, I don't think you need to do any PUPD by any means. Shh/pat should always be used first and I don't think we can say she's waking out of habit at this point. Just like shh/pat, PUPD won't work if the waking is driven by a need, i.e. hunger, too hot/cold, etc. I'd work on the feeding and routine tweaks first and keep using shh/pat to settle in the night when it's too early for a feed.