I've post a few times recently-been a tricky July! I followed along a sleep regression post but the advice I was given was that lo was prob poorly-he was! Fighting a lil virus so that was two wks ago. Now he turned 17wks sat-usually he's napping ok-starting to go thru 45 min-always does at nap 1 and often nap 2 and waking once in night for a feed anywhere between 2:30-4am. Well sat am came and he woke grumpy-(he's an angel/textbook) put down after 1.5hrs as was showing tired signs and woke at 45-wouldn't resettle unless in my arms this continued all day he had three 45 mins! Then he slept ok waking once, sun worse-more difficult to settle for naps and waking at 30/40 mins. Last night he woke at 45, next 45 and the next then was ok til 12, then fed at 2:30 then awake at 4:30, 5:30 and finally got up at 6:30-he's moody this am too-prob knackered like us! Wouldn't settle in his cot dispute all efforts but collapsed when I picked him up-he's now asleep in his chair with the vibrate on!!! Is this the regression? How is the best way to get thru it-I want him to sleep so should I just relax about how and where for the mo? Don't want to start bad habits!