Hi Elise thanks so much. It's heartbreaking to see him so hungry, chewing on his hands after eating only 2 oz but unable to take more. He isn't a great burper. I think it might be intolerance related too as the bump (which were attributed to infant acne) are not gone, he hasn't hiccuped in 3 days. Before the nutramagin he was hiccuping for 15 min 2 to 3 times a day. Do you think I should ask for some zantac to get him through the next few weeks? He's not napping well like today he woke at 8:30 after an hour and ate 2oz vomited I got another 2 in him, he vomited then spit up like 10 min later. But he doesn't cry during the spit up and it doesn't seem to bother him. It's really ONLY when he's eating. I've tried 3 different bottles, size 1 nipple, size 2 nipple. I just feel so awful as he's such a happy baby otherwise.