At 630pm, we start our BT routine and she will fall asleep within 30 minutes after that (around 7pm) but will then wake up 30 min later and it takes about an hour more or less for her to fall asleep again! She's been doing that for a few weeks now every single night! I don't know what to do or why she does that... Does anybody know how I can break that habit? Whether she takes a nap closer to bed time or not, or if we start the BT routine earlier or later it still happens regardless... She even has taken a nap right before bedtime and it still happens...
The first time after her BT routine I feed her, put her in bed drowsy and do the shush pat and she falls asleep but when she wakes up 30 min later I have to walk and rock her to sleep. That's what I spend my evenings doing, taking at least 1hr30-2hrs for her to be asleep for the night and by the time she falls asleep it's time for me to go to sleep as well : /
Any ideas? It's exhausting