DD. For once, not DS.
Actually DS is a VERY nervous swimmer and is REALLY struggling with it all

But DD is very water confident, and doing very well. But obviously no swim aid is not very safe - she fails all over the place and pushes off my knees with her legs

. she has ended up under - but that has not persuaded her into armbands.
Additional concern is that I take them swimming alone sometimes as DH can't swim, and it is quite hard to look after 2 non swimmers in a pool, without adding a non swimmer with no armbands to it

Will she get over it?? Should I try a swim fin? Although I do know she will need to move for that to work. Saying no armbands, no swimming doesn't work well as it is hard to follow through on when I am alone with 2 kids. I have tried. She still refused. I forced them on - she SCREAMED - and forced them off

Any ideas??
(oh, and how do all the other Mums always seem to not have these issues?)