Author Topic: 18 month old - no sleep pattern and doesn't go to bed until gone 10pm, need help  (Read 8035 times)

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Offline Shiv52

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Wow fab progress!!  Hope bedtime went well x

Offline baileyscommet

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Thanks Ladies! I tried to wake him after 1.5 hours but he wouldn't wake, was flat out so I let him have 2 hours, was still difficult to wake but he seemed so refreshed and we had a lovely afternoon outing to feed the ducks.

Bt didn't go quite to plan as we had an unexpected visitor so we didn't get to little man's wind down until 8.30 which was later than I wanted. We read lots of stories and all was looking good. He went in cot at 8.55 and he screamed, he really wasn't happy. We do baby signing so he kept signing more books (which was lovely as he's never signed 'book' before), then drink (which I gave him). The screaming went on for 9 minutes but I stayed with him and talked to him. Eventually he lay down, I had to rub his back but he drifted off. All within 15 mins! I need to be careful not to make the back rubbing a prop don't I?

I have a really full on day today so nap will have to be out but I'm going to aim for a much earlier bedtime. Wind down at 7.30 and sleep by 8, sound right?

Thank you ladies! X

Offline baileyscommet

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Sorry, forgot to add, he woke at just after midnight but I think it was just the heat (as it was blinkin hot!). He went off quickly with me telling him I was with him, no touch required. He woke of his own accord at 7, although me and DH were being deliberately noisy this morning (wanted him up by 7 to ensure we can get him down earlier tonight).

Offline Shiv52

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All within 15 mins! I need to be careful not to make the back rubbing a prop don't I?
Don't worry too much about that yet  but do keep it in mind xx

So is DH doing tonight?

Offline baileyscommet

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Hi Shiv52, Unfortunately DH couldn't do tonight as he got stuck in traffic after a meeting (and still isn't home yet!). We had an intense minute of screaming, then he lay down and although he took longer to go off he wasn't as manic, more relaxed. He did keep lifting his head to look for me but I just kept laying down. So do I continue to do this for a number of nights, when do I start to move away from the cot?

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Thats still great.  I would start moving toward the door pretty soon.  Just lie further away.   if he's looking for you it is better to move sooner rather than later so you don't get stuck there!  Maybe once DH does his night?  Poor DH!  Hope he gets home soon x

Offline anna*

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Agree with Shiv. Get moving towards that door!

Offline baileyscommet

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Hello ladies, sorry I've been a bit quiet, had a traumatic weekend (my father is in a care home and rather poorly but was taken seriously ill and it was touch and go for a few days).

I managed to continue with the wind down and bed time routine but my little man won't let me leave the side of his cot. However, over the past few days we have developed a few issues with bedtime, which are:

a) He has started to refuse wind down time and as soon as I get him in his room he is not interested in stories at all. He makes the 'sleep' sign and tries to climb in his cot. This should be fine in theory but leads to..
b) once he is in the cot he then thrashes around like a little mad man. He runs up and down the length of the cot, throwing everything out and then demanding it all back. Two nights ago it took an hour and 10 mins for him to go off but there were no tears - just tooo much excitment. Then last night it took 50 mins and tonight it took 45

Is this normal? Is it because he isn't having his wind down time? What can I do about this and also how can I start to move away from the cot?

In addition to this we haven't managed to get DH involved either - it's been one thing after another this past week.

Offline anna*

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((((hugs)))) sorry to hear about your dad :(

a) He has started to refuse wind down time and as soon as I get him in his room he is not interested in stories at all. He makes the 'sleep' sign and tries to climb in his cot. This should be fine in theory but leads to..
b) once he is in the cot he then thrashes around like a little mad man. He runs up and down the length of the cot, throwing everything out and then demanding it all back. Two nights ago it took an hour and 10 mins for him to go off but there were no tears - just tooo much excitment. Then last night it took 50 mins and tonight it took 45
I think you take all of his toys out of his cot full stop - the only exception being ONE lovey if he has a special toy or blankie for sleep. Then there's nothing to throw out or demand back. You have the room completely dark - then there's a limit to how much playing he can do. I would continue with your wind-down (keep it short) and if he doesn't want to participate so be it. You can't force him to wind down, but it's important that you give him an environment in which he can wind down.

At bedtime, I would put all toys away and have dim lights and relative quiet for an hour before bedtime.

Quote (selected)
how can I start to move away from the cot?
Just start moving away. Expect tears. Sit two feet from his cot. yes he will scream and yell, just keep using your voice to reassure him, and remember that he will go to sleep eventually. Give it 2-3 nights, then move another couple of feet away. There's no magic bullet here, the only way to achieve your goal is to keep moving towards it. Of course set yourself (and him!) up for success as much as you can, but there's only so much you can do.

Offline baileyscommet

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Hi Anna, thanks for the hugs :-)

Well last night I moved myself away from the cot and he didn't seem that bothered. He still didn't want down time, as soon as he gets into his room he tries to climb into the cot. He then just runs up and down and throws his lovely at me/out of the cot constantly. I didn't and don't have any toys in hist cot. Anyway it took him 50 mins to stop thrashing around and fall asleep.

Today at nap time, the same thing but it took a full 45 mins (I was just about to get him out). Will it always take this long? The length doesn't seem to be decreasing or am I expecting too much? Also when do you think I should get DH involved? Once I'm able to leave him and don't have to lay in his room? Thanks in advance 

Offline anna*

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I'd get DH involved as soon as possible, don't wait for some magic threshold to be crossed. Throwing the lovey is a right PITA game, think we've all been there. I would leave it on the floor until he starts to cry for it, don't engage in the game. In fact I'd just leave him alone in the dark room while he does his monkeying about, go in when he gets upset.

Offline baileyscommet

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Hi Anna, well last night took only 10 mins! So tonight I get DH to do what I do and lay in the place I've been laying (which is the doorway now as he only has a small room), is that right? He's going to cry isn't he, I'm dreading it!

Offline anna*

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Yeh he's going to cry, it's just a tantrum coz he wants things the way he wants them. DH will do the whole bedtime routine. I think you should get yourself some earplugs today, or at least listen to music on headphones. Don't rush in there and rescue him!
« Last Edit: August 25, 2012, 08:26:03 am by anna* »

Offline baileyscommet

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Hi Ladies, Well I've been pleasantly surprised. DH has done bedtime for the past two night and our little man has gone off relatively quickly without much fuss. Yesterday he cried for about 10 mins but DH kept talking to him and putting the lovey back in when he threw it. Tonight he cried for 3 mins then settled down and was asleep within 15 mins!

Now we just need to continue to work our way out of the room. DH moved further back than I told him to and little man didn't seem to mind that. He said he kept looking up to check that daddy was in the doorway (head inside room and body on the landing - such a sight!). When how do we take the step to move away completely? When there are no tears?

Offline anna*

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No! Don't wait til there are no tears or he'll hold you hostage completely! Sounds like you're just about ready. Get out of the door and shut the door 3/4 of the way. Stay out there if he starts to cry. Talk to him through the door to reassure him that you're still there. If he gets seriously upset, go in, lie him back down with a quick cuddle, tell him go to sleep, then go out onto the landing again.

You've made such great progress! Is he getting more total sleep? How are his days looking?