I am a newbie to EASY and I have a few questions regarding how to go about this. My 3 mos LO takes really well to a 3 hour schedule. That being said..should I be shooting for a set wakeup time each day or let him wake up on his own?
Also, I am a work from home photographer that takes appts at various times, although most are at night and I am mainly home and settled by 8:30-9:00. My husband cares for our LO while I am working and my LO does not take well to his dad, regardless of the hundreds of hours that they have had together alone. We have dealt with colic and that is settling down. Regardless, my husband gets a screaming baby all night which is heartbreaking. I am just trying to figure out how to handle my appointments, Henry's EASY schedule and bedtime routine. Any suggestions?
HELP; Bless you! And thank you for listening...sometimes we just need someone to listen.