I have an issue with DF and I don't have the courage to drop it so every night I go in but the max my DS takes is 2oz! He is 18 weeks and still doing a 3hrs easy, he takes 4 bottles of 6oz and 1 of 4oz. When I try to do the DF he is not interested even if I do it 4 hrs after his last feed. If he takes the 2oz he will go to sleep until 5am or so ( he always cries around 5 - 5.30) but the thing is he doesn't seem hungry, he fights to be sleep but after a few movements he is awake.
Today he woke up at 5 so I gave him the bottle but wasn't interested and manage to drink oz but didn't go to sleep again. is last feed is at 7.30 and he is asleep by 8 - 8.30 max. DF is completely asleep.
What I can do now, should I wait and see or keep trying?
Also, he is not very good eater and he finishes the 6oz with full tummy and he has reflux so I dont want to overfeed him, so what I can do now that he needs to move to a 4hr EASY and I need to reduce one bottle but I am afraid of adding more oz to the feeds.
Hopes this makes sense and I will love to have a response.