I've been off dairy, gluten and most soy (still haven't totally eliminated it but will start today
) for about 2 weeks.
I guess I know that it can take several weeks to get dairy especially out of the system, but our doc seems to think it's been enough time.
Anyway - he still has mucous in his poop! Yesterday there was quite a bit too actually!! Like more than I was used to
When our other daughter needed to be on elecare for a while she had MASSIVE mucous poos - the GI specialist told me it was normal as her intestines healed but I didn't buy it at the time because that stuff also made her vomit all over the place with every feeding.
Anyway - wondering if there was some truth to what he told me - more mucous as the intestines heal? Doesn't quite make sense but I'm wondering if I need to go on a more restrictive ED. His reflux has improved dramatically though so I know I'm doing something right!!