I'm ready to start implementing a consistent bedtime routine with my 7 week old. We do EASY all day and it's been going great. He wakes to eat every 2-3 hours and then back down for a nap after 45-60 minutes, but after 4pm or so things get kind of sloppy. I'm always unsure about letting him take such long naps in the evenings, plus hubby is coming home from work anytime between 5 and 7 and wanting to cuddle him, then we're eating dinner and watching tv and I just am not nearly as consistent with keeping baby on a good EAS pattern as I am during the daytime. He usually nurses to sleep on the couch around 8:30 and then will stay sleeping in me or DH's arms until we go to bed upstairs and put him in the pack n play next to our bed. He often sleeps through the move upstairs, but sometimes not and in those cases I usually nurse him back to sleep and call it a dreamfeed, even though I know the whole idea of the DF is that they don't wake up.
Am I correct to be keeping his naps brief in the early evening, or should I let him sleep until he wakes for a feed? How to start implementing a consistent bedtime routine? I tried one night nursing him a little earlier, then reading him a story and putting him down, but he started fussing to nurse again and he goes down so well with the breast that I gave in. I just worry that no one else will be able to put him down if he needs the breast to sleep. He goes down with a paci for naps but needs it put back in several times before getting into a sound sleep. Also, should I put him down in his crib, which is right near the living room and where he takes all his naps, only to move him upstairs to our bedroom between 9 and 10, or just put him upstairs to start the night? Any tips would be greatly appreciated; this is the only area I feel like we're struggling with!