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Offline henrysmomma

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Slow Letdown Since starting EASY
« on: August 20, 2012, 20:26:21 pm »
We are approaching week two of our new EASY lifestyle and my four month old is getting extremely impatient with my newly acquired slow letdown.  Usually it was 10-30 seconds to let down and now it is approaching 5 minutes. 

Before we started our EASY schedule, my little guy was eating every hour and a half-only for about five to seven minutes total.  We moved to a three hour EASY and naturally his nights got screwed up at we are now doing at least one night feeding. 

I used to be able to pump at least six ounces off one side after the morning feed to stash for the few hours of daycare each week that Henry goes to. I am flat as a pancake by the time we get to morning and obviously it is due to the night feedings.  Understandable. 

The incredibly slow letdown is getting maddening to both of us.  I try to relax, take deep breaths, release the tension out of my shoulders...and do anything else that I can think of.  I have been drinking Mother's Milk tea, making sure I eat and drink enough.  Even tried a beer and I don't drink..(does that even work?)

Would the slow letdown have anything to do with my 'decrease' in supply?  I really feel like I simply don't have as much; I have moved my little guy to a 3 1/4 hour EASY with a second feeding at least a half hour before naptime and it is a struggle to let down, let alone get him to stop screaming long enough to eat and help me let down.  What gives?

Any suggestions?  Starting to worry about my supply...I am on a progesterone BC pill and I am starting to spot; but never have had a supply issue with any other period I have had since giving birth. 

Thanks so much!


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Re: Slow Letdown Since starting EASY
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2012, 23:19:28 pm »
Ummm...sounds frustrating for you both so well done for keeping positive. A few things. Firstly, there is a huge growth spurt at 4 months, so he may need to eat more regularly to prevent excessive night feeds - perhaps try 2.5 hours? Four months is also around the time that bf gets tricky as they tend to be more interested in the world and therefore do not want to wait for milk and fuss at the breast. They also start becoming very distractable. It probably has nothing to do with your supply hun. There is loads of info on the kellymom website. The other possibility is teeth. It might be uncomfortable at the breast.
Breasts do start to feel different too, kind of less 'full' and work more like a tap. Leaking normally stops or lessens too. It is also harder to feel let downs. Babies also become efficient feeders so feeds can be super quick! In terms of pumping I think the composition of the milk changes so it is more fatty. So it could be you are pumping less but it is right for your lo. Pumping is not a sign of supply. I hate the expresser and it hates me! I've only ever pumped 5oz both sides and my daughter is 12 months! And that is actually a record.
A few things to try: Trust your supply and be positive. Try alittle massage or hand expression to get things moving before offering the feed. Try breast compressions - info on jack Newman website. Feed when you are both relaxed with no distractions. Feed before he gets too hungry. Let him initiate feeds. Try a warm flannel - the heat should stimulate the beasts. If things get too stressful, try again a few mins later when you are both ready.
These are all thongs we tried and it is honestly a phase - it'll pass! Sorry for not posting the web links - im on my phone! Good luck hun - you are doing a fab job!

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Re: Slow Letdown Since starting EASY
« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2012, 13:39:50 pm »
Maybe nursing in a warm bath might help?
I'm taking fenugreek and have noticed a big difference in supply, the tea did nothing for me personally. 

Offline henrysmomma

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Re: Slow Letdown Since starting EASY
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2012, 21:10:38 pm »
Thanks for your suggestions!  I have tried compression and he gets frustrated when I do that-no clue why.  I hate my pump but it is necessary if we have to be apart.  I did do some visualization and that works some of the time.  I cried as I put Henry down for his nap a little bit ago because I literally felt like he was going to bed hungry as I couldn't let down.  Literally sobbed.  Poor kiddo...and to think that this is the least amount of anxiety that I have had in a long time is just crazy!  It seems as if we get one situation figured out (colic is better, napping is actually happening now) just to have one other area fall apart. Ahhh!

We have a severe anxiety issue on my side of the family and I am wondering if that is really starting to affect me.  Will the letdowns get faster or is this what I will be dealing with until we wean?

Also, Henry is only sucking for just a few seconds and then releases.  I am wondering if his gums are hurting.  I definitely feel that he is going through a growth spurt and we have figured out that his restlessness at night is due to hunger; he only woke once last night since I fed him every 2-2.5 hours yesterday.  He never fought us once when he woke.  Just wanted his paci and back down. 

eva-I will try the warm bath later tonight.  great suggestion!  Did the fenugreek give your lo gas?  I will go and buy some yet today...

and what is the verdict on beer?  I hate to drink but would try anything...


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Re: Slow Letdown Since starting EASY
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2012, 23:51:51 pm »
It's hard work in the early days and the four month growth spurt is tough. I remember going to see the bf councillor because I was concerned. I promise it does pass. If naps are on track and nights are better you are certainly on the right path and are doing a wonderful job - you are tuned in to your little one's needs.
It sounds strange but after the growth spurt your body really adjusts and you don't really experience the let downs anymore. Your body sort of tunes in to your baby and works more like a tap. If you feel it is consuming you - ask to see a bf councillor for reassurance. I did that. It made me feel so much better and I felt confident and was able to trust my supply.
I would say the better night based on more frequent feedings suggest a definite growth spurt, so continue to feed regularly during the day. Just try not to feed to sleep and you will be able to slot back into routine easily.
Teeth do start around 3/4 months and it can be months before anything cuts. Is he dribbling, chewing on everything in sight, miserable, waking early from naps, red cheeks, nappy rash, loose stools, fever, slight cold? You could try applying a little teething gel about 20 mins before a fed - not just before as it can affect the latch. The sucking for a few seconds could be a comfort thing or just a sign he is tired, not hungry or just needing a cuddle. Bfing does get very quick too - so he might be extracting more milk than you think!
I always found a quick snuggle after a bath a.lovely way to engage. They sort of find their way to your breast! I took fengreek for about 6 months - I have no idea whether it really worked but it is totally safe. The colic stage/ gas should have passed now. It may give you a bit for a while though! Take 3/4 capsules a day. You can buy a great mix called more milk from expressyourselfmums website. It has a blend of fenugreek, blessed thistle and other milk making ingredients. Can't help you with the beer but I won't advise it as traces of alcohol may pass in to your milk?
if you need to talk im here hun, but you are a wonderful mum andyou are giving him a grey start. Keep it up and remember in 2 months you'll be on another.adventure with solids! The milk phase passes so fast! Xxxx

Offline eva026

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Re: Slow Letdown Since starting EASY
« Reply #5 on: August 23, 2012, 06:42:37 am »
No gas after fenugreek here and it has made a big difference because now I am able to keep up with her needs. Before she was going hungry.
Hugs on the teething, we've been in the middle of a teething episode since Sunday. On and off for 5 days already. My LO does the same thing with coming on and off the breast moaning when in pain. The gel doesn't help much in our case unfortunately. If she's in constant pain I give her a paracetamol suppository (she refuses syrup when her mouth hurts) but if it's only a feed I just pump and give her a bottle to get some food into her. Somehow the bottle hurts her less. 
I think stress plays a huge part in supply and letdown. I've noticed that when I've been fighting with DH or get stressed that I have less milk - my supply starts going right down.


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Re: Slow Letdown Since starting EASY
« Reply #6 on: August 23, 2012, 07:37:04 am »
It is definitely a metal state - you need to feel confident and empowered! Once you learn to trust your body, it becomes easier. Just a little word on bottles though - be aware that they could make it very confusing for your baby ana be contributing to your difficulties. Because the flow of the bottle is very different from breast feeding and 'easier' your baby may develop bottle preference. Sometimes this can be the beginning of the end of bf. I know when you are stressed and baby is stressed it can seem like the only way but try to keep as a minimum. Use the newborn teats so they milk is harder to extract or even better use the sns - supplimenting nursing system. It allows you to feed baby at the breast while supplimenting. The extra stimulation helps you produce more milk without the need for pumping. I bought one from amazon online.


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Re: Slow Letdown Since starting EASY
« Reply #7 on: August 23, 2012, 07:42:24 am »
I just want to add also, that supplimenting during a growth spurt is not a good idea! Feed on demand during the day - don't worry about the frequency of feeds. Your baby is working hard to increase your supply for you! Keep strong - there is loads of info on the 4 month growth spurt on here and do look up fussing at the breast on the kellymom website hun xxxx

Offline henrysmomma

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Re: Slow Letdown Since starting EASY
« Reply #8 on: August 23, 2012, 20:05:40 pm »
Thank you for the encouragement; I sure could use it!  I feel like I've won the 'worst mommy in the world' award as my little one scooted himself off of the daybed in his nursery and landed face first.  Yup, we've been to the ER and they think that he is great...of course he is super restless, super clingy and is having issues napping. (better than sleeping and not waking for long periods I guess)...I have absolutely no clue how he managed to scoot to the edge.  Its beyond me and of course I am feeling guilty. And utterly exhausted from head to toe.

I will go and get some fenugreek and give that a shot!  I think things are starting to look up and I do feel slightly fuller today so hopefully all of the feeds the last few days helped. I have been able to let down with each feed-I have been working really hard at completely releasing all of the tension in every part of my body and that has helped as well as getting to him before he gets too hungry.  I ended up feeding to sleep once after his accident today as he was giving his hungry cry-I think he just wanted a cuddle...poor guy gave me quite a scare!  This momma definitely learned her lesson.

eva-good luck with your teething episode; how long do teething episodes usually last?  And yes, my little guy has his hands in his mouth constantly and is really starting to drool.  Nothing is showing just yet and I don't even feel any bumps.  He has white nerve buds showing on both top molar sections but the pediatrician says that they are just that-nerve buds.  I thought he was starting to teethe.  So much for that! 


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Re: Slow Letdown Since starting EASY
« Reply #9 on: August 23, 2012, 20:37:05 pm »
Well done for surviving your first fall! It is a huge shock for both you and your babes but it happens to us all at one stage and you shouldn't feel guilty.
Im really pleased that you are getting back on track with the feeding though! The 4 month growth spurt can hit hard and a sleep regression can quickly follow but it is totally worth it. You should have things consistent again soon hun and I promise it gets easier. To be honest we didn't really follow a 4 hour routine until about 5/6 months then it all feel into place when she was on solids as meal times were set and her sleep improved.
Teething is an utter nightmare and you will have odd episodes. Have a stash of gels in your cupboard. The granules are good for soothing and calming your baby. I find bongela gel the most effective plus an ibruprofen med which is better for dental pain. My hv described the teeth as piano keys pushing under the gums and it is the pain before a tooth cuts that is the worst. My daughter cut hers at 5.5 months and started teething at 3 months so it does take some time. Seems you have a couple of days then nothing. She now has 10 teeth at a year!
You are fab it's made my day that you are feeling more confident xxx

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Re: Slow Letdown Since starting EASY
« Reply #10 on: August 23, 2012, 21:58:59 pm »
Thanks so much for all of the support!  I really appreciate it!  I am not looking forward to teething but I am thinking that it will be easier than the crappy colic.  Ick. 

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

So....the sleep regression usually starts after the growth spurt?  If so, thanks for the heads up.   :-\

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Re: Slow Letdown Since starting EASY
« Reply #11 on: August 23, 2012, 22:01:41 pm »
I had problems with supply around my period - also starting around 4 months and found the suggestion to start taking a calcium/magnesium supplement (beyond my regular multivitamin) a few days before my period was to start, and continue for about 3 days into it.  Helped a LOT.
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Re: Slow Letdown Since starting EASY
« Reply #12 on: August 24, 2012, 00:01:33 am »
And have faith, not all babies are horrid teethers.  :)

Offline eva026

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Re: Slow Letdown Since starting EASY
« Reply #13 on: August 24, 2012, 06:17:03 am »
I feel like I've won the 'worst mommy in the world' award as my little one scooted himself off of the daybed in his nursery and landed face first.  Yup, we've been to the ER and they think that he is great...of course he is super restless, super clingy and is having issues napping. (better than sleeping and not waking for long periods I guess)...I have absolutely no clue how he managed to scoot to the edge.  Its beyond me and of course I am feeling guilty. And utterly exhausted from head to toe.

lol, sounds like me a week ago. DD fell off the bed, not a very high bed but she knocked her head on the way down. We also got an ultrasound and xray just in case and now I'm super paranoid about leaving her anywhere!

Teething episode over for now. It lasted on and off for 4 days. No teeth though....:(

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Re: Slow Letdown Since starting EASY
« Reply #14 on: August 25, 2012, 21:27:41 pm »
Also to add, progesterone only pills can give a dip in supply for some women in the same way that they get a dip between ovulation and when AF appears due to a raise in progesterone levels (I had that when I took a mini pill with DS and stopped taking it).
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