Hi all,
Qq from me....
Enough is enough and we are moving to one nap
Dd had an AWFUL night last night, so although I was planning to go to 12.30, she was on her knees at 12 (6.55 wu which is amazing for us, but she was awake at 10,12 then 1-2am screaming as it was dh due to her SA)
So, my question is.... When ebt is discussed during translation do this mean cut A time?
Eg, dd did 5 hours A this morn
Prob a 1.5hr nap (it's never more)
I am thinking to cut pm A to 4.5 hr?
Now setting nap times, does this mean a set bedtime as well? Dd will catnap in her buggy after 4 hours but will NOT go in her cot until anywhere from 5-6 hours, but as it all depends on the night we had, we are caught in a viscous circle!!!
I urgently need my sanity back.... If the set naps all go wrong, how long could the OT fallout last?

Tired and slightly hysterical
