Author Topic: did your DC develop a dairy allergy as a toddler? if so is soy a problem, too?  (Read 1820 times)

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Offline chicagomom

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my DS developed a dairy allergy when he was 14mo in response to a horrible GI bug that both he and DD had (DD recovered just fine).  he is now almost 20mo and still cannot handle dairy (he gets horrible diarrhea and stomach pains).  we are to wait until he is 2 and try to reintroduce dairy at that time.  the nutritionist mentioned that hopefully we could successfully trial soy in the meantime.  i do give him foods with soy oil/lecithin as that was allowed under his initial ED.  i have not knowingly branched out and given him other soy products, though (i say knowingly because when we eat out i only specify dairy-free so who knows if he has had some soy).

i know that many LOs who have a dairy allergy also are allergic to soy...but i am wondering if the same is true for those kids who actually develop a dairy allergy at an older age.  i was thinking of giving him a little bit of soy but i accidentally let him have meatballs with ricotta cheese last week and he/we paid for it for 2 days, so i'm not exactly eager to jump into trialling.  :(

does that all make sense?

Offline rach321

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Do you know if he is lactose intolerant or milk protein intolerant?

Offline chicagomom

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apparently milk-protein intolerant.  the last time we tried lactose-free milk products he ended up with diarrhea.  he is a weird case!  :)

Offline rach321

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I would give it a try - my DS2 is milk protein intolerant and was completely dairy and soy free for 18months, now he's a bit older we have trialled a few things - soy he is fine with, butter, cheese, youghurt all fine but milk still a big no no for us - just trying to get his latest bout of excema cleared after his last milk trial! I would start by introducing a small amount and see how you go. Good luck

Offline chicagomom

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thanks for the feedback.  would you recommend any particular soy product to trial?