Author Topic: Are long afternoon naps our problem???  (Read 786 times)

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Offline Kirsten~

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Are long afternoon naps our problem???
« on: August 24, 2012, 04:19:17 am »
My DD is almost 5 months old, and she has been pretty good about going down at BT independently. Some nights I might have to go up there once and replug her paci, but lately it's become a 1/2 hr battle of crying that escalates till we go up there. I kept thinking it was because of her rolling on to her tummy, but she has since gotten used to sleeping on her tummy and had a few nights where she fell asleep on her own on her tummy. I am starting to think that her long afternoon naps might be the issue. I could never get her to conform to EASY the way it should be, but she established her own routine that works.
I work full time, so I will post her M-F schedule below; weekends can be slightly different (usually only the morning is different though);

WU/E: 6:30
S: 7:15-7:45 (in the car on the way to the babysitter's)
E: 10
S: 10:30-11:30
E: 2
S: 2/2:30- 5:30..not F2S though (she is usually still sleeping or just waking up when I pick her up at 5, and then she falls back asleep for 30 mins in the car)
E: 6
BT: 7:30 (but often it's 8-8:30 till she's asleep)

She is starting to STTN more and more, but she sometimes wakes at 3 or 4 and needs to be resettled, usually just a paci replug. She hasn't had a NF in a while.
I think her really long afternoon naps are causing issues at BT. I'm realizing that she probably needs a longer A time, but because I have to get her up by 6:30 every morning, I don't want to push out her BT or should I?

I feel like I have 2 options:
1. Let her naps remain as is and move her BT to 8. The issue here is that I can't keep moving back her BT forever!
2. Change her feeds to 10:30 and 2:30 so her afternoon naps is shorter. Not sure if that will do it though because no matter what she'll have 30 mins in the car from 5-5:30 and she generally sleeps.

Anyone have any other ideas? Or think one of my options will work better than the other?  ???

Offline ~Lori~

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Re: Are long afternoon naps our problem???
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2012, 21:49:13 pm »
Hmm....would there be anyway to possible cap that late nap?  Instead of letting her sleep till 5/5:30, maybe having baby sitter wake her up at 4:30?  I am not a fan of waking up from  naps but if it's affecting her night sleep, I definitely would see about waking her up a bit earlier.  Then she may be more tired for bedtime.
Mom to:

DD--Touchy, then Textbook, 2006
DS1--Spirited, 2009
DS2--Textbook, 2012
DD2--Angel, 2014

Offline Kirsten~

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Re: Are long afternoon naps our problem???
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2012, 04:32:05 am »
I know...I never want to wake from naps either! I could try that, but she'll still end up (most likely anyways) falling asleep for those 30 mins in the car on the way home. Although, I suppose if her nap was slightly shorter she might be ok. I never know if it's better to pull sleep time from the day or the night, kwim? Plus I feel like a crazy person complaining about 3 hr naps! I just wish she'd take that long nap in the morning instead of the afternoon. :D

I'll talk to the sitter about it on Wed when she's back. Thanks Lori!