My son, who is almost 14 months, has been waking up early (4:30-5:30) since he was 10.5 months old. My husband and I are exhausted and don't know what direction to go in--should we tweak the 2 naps (I read on here to limit to 1 hour in the morning) or should we start working towards 2? Below is our usual schedule, though in the past 2 weeks the afternoon nap has sometimes been less than an hour. I feel stuck in a cycle of him being tired early and waking early. Thanks in advance for your advice.
4:30-5:30 wake up
5:30 get him from crib and bf
7:00 breakfast
8:45-10:15 nap
12:00 lunch
2:30-3:30 nap (only in car, refuses in crib--has been 30-50 minutes on some days)
5:00 dinner
6:30-7:00 bf and bed