Hi all -
I am sure this has been written on before but I am unable to search the past posts. MY LO has MPI/MFPI as well as FPIES and is chemical sensitive and has severe GERD. He is 8 months old and has been on Elecare and Losec since he was 4 months (EBF before that). Our only safe food so far is carrots and he has failed rice, millet, pumpkin, broccoli, pear, parsnip. We are currently on day 5 of coconut. The trial was going really well until last night. About an hour after he had 1tsp of coconut he had really bright hot red cheeks. They were back to normal about 3h later.
Is this a sign that he has failed coconut? I gave him another tsp today and so far (2h later) no reactions. He had something similar with parsnips - we stopped that trial as he had bright red cheeks and also increased vomitting.
Was wondering what I should do? Both my paed GI and my paed allergist are not available until next week. Any help would be great!!