My son is 13w today. Was born 7lb 9oz and now more than 15lb. It feels like he will never sttn. At around 8 weeks he slept for 5hrs a couple of nights and I got excited, but now he wakes every 3hrs for the first half of the night and every 2hrs for the second part. Every time he wakes he will take at least 1 full side (he is ebf) and sometimes both, so I am reluctant to stop feeding him.
I am trying to stick to a 3hr EASY but we are having a terrible time with 45min naps, do I just stick to feeding him every 3hrs and putting him down to sleep when he shows tiredness.
Yesterday looked like this
Awake E 6:30
S 8am
Awake 8:40
S 9:10
Awake E 10am
S 12pm (too late-overtired
Awake 12:45
Couldn't get back to sleep - hungry
E 1pm
S 2pm
Awake 2:35 (in car so couldn't help back)
Tried to get back to sleep at 2:50 when we got home, but wouldn't fall back asleep
E 3:45pm
S 4:30 (while out walking the dog)
Awake 5:15
E 5:30
E 7
S 8
Awake 10:30,1:30,3,4:30,6
I don't do dream feed as I go to bed at 9 cos I'm so tired.
I see so many posts about there 12 week old started waking for a night feed again! And I'm just hoping that he will drop one of his many night feeds at 13 weeks
I'm pretty sure that if I had the energy I could pay/shh him at 4:30, but he would probably wake up 45 mins later and to face another day of 4min naps and a baby who is reluctant to go to sleep, I really need any rest that I can get.