Dd has started solids since she was 6 months old and is having 24oz formula during the day and solids 3xs.
7.30 am 8oz formula
8.30/8 2tbs yoghurt + 1 tbs blueberries, few bites of toast
12.30/1 8 oz formula
2 1.5 tbs veggie rice and chicken
4.30/5 chapatti with 2 tbs yellow lentils, tbs nectarine
6 8oz milk
7.00 8oz milk
8.30 1tbs Cheerios with .5oz formula. 1/4 egg yolk, 1 tsp sweet potato, 1tbs yoghurt, 1 tsp apricot
12.30 8oz milk
2 1tbs lamb, 1 tbs chickpeas
4.30/5 will be having pasta with veg, 1tbs papaya
6.30 milk
Ok seems like a lot of solids when written down
but she loves it. Is it ok?
FYI she was having 24-28oz formula before solids too so it has gone down by much- it was closer to 24 than 28!
Thanks for your input! x x