Author Topic: 9 mth old - NWs..for 2 or 3 hours at a time!  (Read 741 times)

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Offline lickertysplit

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9 mth old - NWs..for 2 or 3 hours at a time!
« on: September 05, 2012, 23:54:49 pm »

My little one has been a bit hit and miss with sleeping at night, but on the whole i would say she has been pretty good.  I haven't had to DF or feed in the night since she was 6 months old.  If she woke at all it was to replug the dummy and i would say that was only once, maybe twice in a night.

For the past 5 nights she has started waking up sometime around 1am and won't settle for up to 3 hours.  I have fed her now twice (she drained 180ml) but i'm worried i'm setting bad habits. She stops crying as soon as i pick her up but is wide awake and each time i put her back down she cries.

Her typical day looks like this:

W 6:15am - coos in her cot, sometimes snoozes till 7am
E 7.00am (240 ml Bellamys forumla)
A solids about an hr after milk
S 9:15 / 9.30 -11:00 am
E 11:45am (240 ml Bellamys forumla)
A solids 1hr after milk
S 2:00 / 2:30 - sometimes an hour, sometimes a little longer
E 4:45 dinner
E 6:30pm (240 ml Bellamys forumla)
S 7:00 pm

She has eight teeth already so don't think anymore are on the way.  She has just started crawling - but only backwards at the moment.

Any thoughts on what is waking her up and keeping her awake for so long?

Thank you!

Offline katie80

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Re: 9 mth old - NWs..for 2 or 3 hours at a time!
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2012, 18:55:00 pm »
A few things pop into mind you could check. You mentioned she drained the bottle you offered twice. She could be having a growth spurt or she could be thirsty. How is her solids intake? You could try offering another small bottle somewhere in the day, maybe after the pm nap to see if that makes a difference. Or, offer her water in a sippy and leave it for her in a corner of the crib, if you think it might be thirst. Is she hot/cold?

It might not be teeth, but if she's got 8 already, she's obviously an early teether, so I wouldn't rule that out. Can you see back to her molars at all? Have you tried pain meds just to see if they make a difference?  The crawling could definitely be the culprit. Developmental milestones like that can really interfere with some LOs sleep.

Is she an independent sleeper? You mentioned she used to have a dummy replug. Are you still using the dummy? Any signs of SA at all? She's at the right age for it and since she gets upset when you lay her back down, that might be a factor. What would happen if you just went in and laid her down and gently tell her to go back to sleep? Sometimes it's harder to get them back in the crib after you pick them up.

Finally, you're routine looks fine for 9mo, she doesn't seem to be getting too much day sleep. But, wakings like that can be UT, so it might be worth pushing out her morning nap a bit until you get closer to 3.5hr A.

There's a lot that can be going on, I guess. :P. Anything jump out at you?