My DD is 12 weeks' old and I'm just now trying to get her onto a routine. It's been a very difficult 12 weeks' so far. My DH and I have thought from very early on that she doesn't nap so we've only managed to get her to sleep during the day by rocking her and having her on one of our chests or sometimes in her bouncy chair. That's only been semi successful and so she is basically constantly OT. I now think that we've probably been missing her nap window and so I now have to try and break the bad habits...
I am feeding three hourly, mostly because she was always awake and it's something I can do to stop her crying (when awake she cries a lot, no doubt because she's OT).
My first step has been to get her to have daytime naps upstairs and to go to bed upstairs. That has been successful for the last two days in the evening (BT is 7pm ish, though she went down at 6.45pm today) and she did manage three naps today, but each only of 45 minutes.
I will try and keep a record tomorrow of what our day looks like but from memory today was:
W 7am - then changed
E 7.15am
A 7.45am
We then had to go out for her vaccinations.
S 9.30am
W 10.00am - I didn't try and get her back to sleep; changed her
E 10.30am
A 11am
S 12.10pm
W 12.45pm - I did try to get her back to sleep by rocking her while she sucks her fingers (her self-soothing mechanism) but without success; changed her
E 1.30pm
No real A - she was very sleepy
S 2.20pm
W 3.05pm - I spent 50 minutes doing PUPD, ssh/pat but without success
Went out in pram for an hour
Bedtime routine (feed/bath/feed/bed) 5pm - 6.45pm
SO - my questions at this stage are:
1. How long do I spent doing PUPD etc before giving up for that S slot (bearing in mind I'm feeding three hourly)? I've read Tracy's interview which says 40 minutes but I can't see how that fits with three hourly feeding.
2. When I pick her up, do I do ssh/pat to try and settle her?
Two other points that might be relevant - I am exclusively BF and I am also exploring with my GP at the moment whether she might have reflux. I don't know - she cries an awful lot, often inconsolably, but that could just be because she's OT. She doesn't particularly sick a lot up but does still have a lot of hiccups, grimaces after a burp, has bad gas...
Thanks for any help and I'll post more tomorrow on how the day goes.