Hi there,
My DS is 20 months and has been STTN since he has 8 months old. His day currently looks like this:
6:30-7 WU
12:30-3 Nap
7:30 BT (sometimes not asleep until 8pm)
Lately he has started crying a lot at bedtime. He has a lovey which he is quite attached to and sometimes he will throw it out of the crib and cry, other times he just stands there crying and as soon as we go in he will lie down and be quiet. It usually takes about 3x of us going in before he'll go to sleep (but still on his own). Also, he has woken up 2x in the night in the last week which NEVER happens. Two nights ago at 1:30am and then last night at 4am. The only way to get him to settle is to give him his paci, which he only has at naps, not at bedtime. I'm thinking maybe SA - does that sound right? Hopefully the night wakings don't continue, but any advice on how to settle him without the paci? We are slowly trying to wean this anyway.
I should add that he was in a sleepsack until last week (it ripped) and now is not. I cover him with a blanket but he often throws it out.