Author Topic: Please help me with what to do today with toddler recovering from bug!  (Read 2658 times)

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Re: Please help me with what to do today with toddler recovering from bug!
« Reply #15 on: September 13, 2012, 20:08:45 pm »
Up eating toast ;) thanks koe for brat reminder. It's funny, it's the only food he wants when sick anyway so he sets himself a brat diet - oh plus yogurt. 
that is DS, too!!!  So glad that he is better :)

Offline ZacsMumme

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Re: Please help me with what to do today with toddler recovering from bug!
« Reply #16 on: September 15, 2012, 09:43:05 am »
Okay so ladies pain has gone and last night Z STTN but had a short one.
I think he is possibly OT or out of routine from being poorly.

Here's last few days, what do u think
Thurs night 13.5 hrs but 2 NW
Fri WU 7.45
Nap 12.30-3
BT 7 but chatted till 7.45 (UT?)
Sat WU 5.45 boo
Nap 12 but chatted till 12.30-2.30
BT 7 chatted till 8 boooooooo

I'm thinking part of this is he is still very congested, and out of routine, but poss OT do you agree? - recommend early nap tomorrow and EBT depending on WU?


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Re: Please help me with what to do today with toddler recovering from bug!
« Reply #17 on: September 15, 2012, 18:08:36 pm »
Hey there,

I am no expert as you well know, in fact I usually look to you for advice, but for what it's worth my thoughts are...

Given how poorly Z was, I would definitely agree - OT a
D out of routine. Would you normally let him nap until 3pm? U find with R if I don't wake her by 2.30pm then BT is definitely compromised. The only exception to that is if she has a short nap of say 1.5h or under then I try a d get her to have 20m around  4/4.30 to power through to BT.

I would stick to his usual A time in the morning and let him nap as he usually would a d then EBT if you have to or give him 15/20 in the morning if you get EW and then normal nap and BT? I know with R if I use it consistently it's counterproductive but maybe as a 'just to get him through' for a day or 2?

I hope these thoughts help... Good luck!  ;)

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Re: Please help me with what to do today with toddler recovering from bug!
« Reply #18 on: September 15, 2012, 19:47:50 pm »
I only let him nap that long as that was the first day in 4 days he had slept well, and the night before. He was so sick I was really worried :(
Thanks :-* EBt does work well here so I think I might have to use it.

That said :) :) he slept till 7 (or even later) this morning :) (I was sent to my folks for a night off so Dh just reported at 7 ;) )

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Re: Please help me with what to do today with toddler recovering from bug!
« Reply #19 on: September 15, 2012, 20:20:13 pm »
Hi Sara

Just seeing this and wanted to send hugs. I'm glad ds is feeling better- there's nothing more frustrating than seein them in pain and being unable to do much to help.

Hugs to both and hope sleep issues sort themselves out xox
aishi :)

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Re: Please help me with what to do today with toddler recovering from bug!
« Reply #20 on: September 15, 2012, 21:07:00 pm »
That's sounds really good hon, fingers crossed he's getting back on track! Anytime you like send Z over for a chat with R, she's still lovin the witchin hour, bless her! Hp you managed a well earned rest. Big hugs to you both x

Offline Mummy23boys

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Re: Please help me with what to do today with toddler recovering from bug!
« Reply #21 on: September 16, 2012, 07:24:59 am »
Glad he is getting better now and hopefully all is getting back to normal. My DS was sick too and just getting over it, although not as sick as your Z poor little guy.  It's hard to deal with at the best of times but soooo much harder when your pregnant isn't it? ;) great you went to your folks for a break, hope you made the most of it!

Best wishes to you all and buckets of hugs xxxx

Offline ZacsMumme

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Re: Please help me with what to do today with toddler recovering from bug!
« Reply #22 on: September 16, 2012, 19:16:40 pm »
Thanks Melissa :-* he was more poorly yesterday, it's like he's going up and down. I think it's because he is so run down now. :-\

We're still having to play days by ear, yesterday he woke mid nap crying again so I know he's still not well :(

DS1 - Our sensitive soul. Silent reflux.

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Offline Mummy23boys

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Re: Please help me with what to do today with toddler recovering from bug!
« Reply #23 on: September 16, 2012, 20:30:29 pm »
We are the same! He's much better today but still won't really eat proper meals and he vomited a little before bed. He had a good nap today though so we thought he was getting back on track. He seemed to be his usual "up to mischief guy" but obviously he's not better yet! :(

Now I've a sore throat and I must have picked up his cold! Ugh!! Just what I need in my final few weeks of pregnancy! ::)

Let's hope it passes soon for all of us! Sending get well soon hugs your way xx

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Re: Please help me with what to do today with toddler recovering from bug!
« Reply #24 on: September 17, 2012, 02:29:59 am »
Oh poor wee boy! Hugs to you too.
Well finally Z is eating well! Hope it lasts. EASY looking at least a little like it should so far
WU 6.45
Nap 12.30-2.30
Bt will be 7 hopefully ;)

Uck yes ive got Zs bug too ::) even with the flu jab! Hang in there Hun x

DS1 - Our sensitive soul. Silent reflux.

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Offline Mummy23boys

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Re: Please help me with what to do today with toddler recovering from bug!
« Reply #25 on: September 17, 2012, 07:17:44 am »
Need some advice please!

DS has been whimpering on and off since really early this morning. No matter what I do I can't sooth him. When it was time to get up I went to him and he just refuses to come out of his cot! He is shaking his head and is trying to go back to sleep! He is obviously exhausted. He breathing is really bad he's so bunged up. I put drops on his sheet to help him breath. He's getting a few mins sleep here and there. Should I let him be or take him up. He very frustrated by it cos he wakes crying. It's so unlike him to be in bed this long!!

Don't know what to do! Might bring him to doc later


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Re: Please help me with what to do today with toddler recovering from bug!
« Reply #26 on: September 17, 2012, 07:50:26 am »
 :( its so hard, I just know Z was so sick I had to leave him too it if he wanted to sleep, or really needed too but couldn't. If he isn't crying maybe leave him to it and see if he will drift off?

Have you taken his temp? - given pain meds or tried a bottle - these things help us ;)

You could try cuddling him in his room, holding him upright against your shoulder and rub is back to try to move the mucus if he is congested, or get him up for a bit then PD for an early nap?

Its so so hard. I never know if what I'm doing helps or hinders....just go with your gut :-*

DS1 - Our sensitive soul. Silent reflux.

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Offline Mummy23boys

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Re: Please help me with what to do today with toddler recovering from bug!
« Reply #27 on: September 17, 2012, 09:03:41 am »
Thanks Sara,

He's asleep since 8.20am he drifted off finally after I opened the window and let some air in. I'll leave him be and see how longs he sleeps. Poor guy. I feel so helpless! Yes it is terrible isn't it! I tried to give him meds but he refused! :( at least he's had a bottle so his tummy isn't empty! That's something I suppose. Think I'll buy a humidifier today, might help him sleep better at night. Should I not bother with the doctor do you think? ??? I suppose he can't really do anything for him. I dunno! ???

He woke at 9 so had a little bit of a rest. He has ate his breakfast so that's good! :) I've given him meds so they will kick in soon! I really panicked this morning, got a bit of a fright he was so bad!

Thanks for being there xxx

Offline ZacsMumme

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Re: Please help me with what to do today with toddler recovering from bug!
« Reply #28 on: September 17, 2012, 09:22:17 am »
I would see if you can book him in with the dr if your worried, I always err on the side of caution though ;) piece of mind and all that,especially if he has a temp and or could have an ear infection.

I sneak pain meds into bottles ;)

We just brought a Vicks vaporizer! It hasn't arrived yet but hope it helps

Hugs, you doing everything you can :-* what is it with these sick LOs while we so tired and pregnant!  :P

DS1 - Our sensitive soul. Silent reflux.

DS2 Our cheeky chipmunk. Reflux, MSPI.

Offline Mummy23boys

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Re: Please help me with what to do today with toddler recovering from bug!
« Reply #29 on: September 19, 2012, 21:26:06 pm »
You'll never guess, I had to bring him to hospital in the end! Our doctor suggested it just to be on the safe side. He was so bad! Wasn't eating, drinking, sleeping, awful awful nappies, blisters on tongue, temperature, you name it! When I put him down for his nap yesterday he was crying so hard. Eventually he fell asleep but whimpered through for half an hour and woke hysterical. I got such a fright! My poor little guy!

Anyway turns out he has a really bad viral infection and it's affecting his tummy. I hate these bugs! They are nasty! Today he's a teeny bit better, so fx he will improve even more tomorrow. I'm so exhausted! We stayed indoors today and it was very hard as I'm not so mobile! Very hard indeed! I think he was bored most of the time. I just couldn't run or play, but I entertained as much a I could!

Roll on Saturday! DH is off and I can sleep/shower/eat/dress/pee in peace!! ;)
