You'll never guess, I had to bring him to hospital in the end! Our doctor suggested it just to be on the safe side. He was so bad! Wasn't eating, drinking, sleeping, awful awful nappies, blisters on tongue, temperature, you name it! When I put him down for his nap yesterday he was crying so hard. Eventually he fell asleep but whimpered through for half an hour and woke hysterical. I got such a fright! My poor little guy!
Anyway turns out he has a really bad viral infection and it's affecting his tummy. I hate these bugs! They are nasty! Today he's a teeny bit better, so fx he will improve even more tomorrow. I'm so exhausted! We stayed indoors today and it was very hard as I'm not so mobile! Very hard indeed! I think he was bored most of the time. I just couldn't run or play, but I entertained as much a I could!
Roll on Saturday! DH is off and I can sleep/shower/eat/dress/pee in peace!!
