Hi ladies, I really hope you can help with my LO who just turned 1 this week. He's been on 1 nap for over a month now as he absolutely refuses a second nap. He was sleeping for 2 hours but in the past week his nap is getting shorter and shorter, to the point where yesterday he slept for just an hour! We've been doing EBT since he moved to 1 nap (always asleep by 6pm), but he's also started waking earlier (this morning woke at 4am). Here is our last few days' EASY:
Awake 5.45am
6.10 bottle
8am breakfast
11.15 sleep
12.45 wu
BT 6pm
4am woke babbling, think he went back to sleep - heard him again at 5.30am
Bottle 6am - started on cows milk and he wasn't keen!
Breakfast 7.30
Sleep 10.00-10.40 - I put him down early this morning because he had a stuffy nose and was really tired, but obviously not that tired!
Lunch 12
2.15 put him down for a sleep but still babbling at 3pm. Walked him around for 30 minutes but still didn't fall asleep.
BT 5.30
He has previously been waking around 6 and going for a nap at 11, then waking around 12.30 and going to bed for 6. Is this bt too early do you think? We didn't want him to get OT so have been paranoid about the early bt. I've tried putting him down for a capped nap in the morning, but last time I tried that he refused to sleep in the afternoon. He is an independent sleeper and there are no prop issues. He can comfortably do 5 hours A time so maybe I should push his nap later to try and get a longer nap? This 2-1 has really got me beaten! Any advice is appreciated!