Hi again,
Okay so if that is the way it is for now then all you can do is work with the situation
The only things I'm not sure about is what should I do if he doesn't leave his BBB but just cries- do I go straight in and say sleepy phrase?
This depends on what kind of cry it is. I'm sure you know when he needs you and when he is just complaining and unhappy with the situation. The key is to trust your 'Mother's Instinct' on this Honey. If he isn't very upset then going back in can just prolong things, but it also depends on the LO's personality, so only you can know what to do. In short I'm not saying yes or no, just make that decision when you see what happens.
Do I repeat process in motn?
Yes, absolutely. But at NW LO's are sometimes upset if for eg: they've had a bad dream, so don't worry about staying a moment until he is feeling better, but I wouldn't stay until he is asleep, that's just the way I choose to deal with it, for consistency and to avoid any confusion in his head YK
but again judge each situation differently. The fact that he will be eventually going to sleep on his own should hopefully mean that before DH gets to bed if he wakes he will settle himself and after DH gets to bed, I guess you can rest assured that he won't be disturbing you, which is a bonus. Before he is fully sleep trained if he wakes and shouts for you because he is alone then I would definitely do the same as you did at BT. I would just bear in mind he may always shout for you if he wakes before DH is in bed because he is used to it
would it be best to have a few days with no naps to do WI/WO?
I would probably so no, unless he often goes several days with no nap. You want him well rested so he doesn't melt down really. And you don't know how many days it will take to get there. I'm a bit of expert on the 1-0 since DS started it in June
and we've had a nightmare. If your DS will go down earlier for his nap it may help because LO's start to need much longer in the pm to settle well at BT. Often 6.5 hours at this age. But if you leave the nap time the same and extend the pm you end up with a long day and short night.
And finally how many time Dyt I'll have to do it first night?
LOL anyone's guess. With Sam is was 61 times back in bed and 39 minutes. Then the 2nd night was only 6 minutes so just prepared yourself for the long haul and anything else is a bonus
Hope this answers all your questions for now.