Author Topic: 2-1 and accidental parenting HELP!  (Read 805 times)

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2-1 and accidental parenting HELP!
« on: September 17, 2012, 09:46:58 am »
Hi all,

I have 2 problems really. It might be a bit hard to explain so bare with me. Firstly, I think my twin boys are getting ready for the 2-1 now as I'm finding it really hard to fit in 2 naps with a 7pm bedtime (which I need). They are almost 13 months old. I think it might be easier to post their EASY.

6:30-7 wake up
10:00-11:00 nap (they would sleep till 11:30 if I let them)
2:00-3:30 nap
7:00 - bed time :)

They are very ready for their first nap. I think their 2nd awake time could be pushed and the 3rd awake time definately can be pushed. I would love them to be awake before 3 as they settle much easier at night time. At the minute I'm keeping it to 3 hrs awake time to fit it all in! I think my question is for the 1st nap if I wake them before theyve had an hours nap they are so whingy until they go to sleep for the 2nd nap. Will they get used to it if I keep at it?

Im not sure I think I need a plan!

My 2nd problem is a bit of accidental parenting. In fact a lot! I need to tackle this now though. I need my boys to nap in their cot! They just hate it! They are fine at night time but I think the problem started when we got back from our holidays a few months ago where we let them sleep in their pushchairs. Now they scream when I put them in their cots during the day. One naps in his pushchair the other naps in the settee (always under my supervision). I feel awful admitting this! I just don't know which problem to tackle first! And how to go about it :( do I "train" one at a time? Is it so bad that one of my twins naps in his pushchair? It is kinda good how they are separated so they don't wake each other up.

Sorry for the long post I know it's very jumbled. If anyone has got any advice at all for either of my problems I would be so grateful to hear it.

Thank you

Sarah x
Sarah :)

Offline becj86

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Re: 2-1 and accidental parenting HELP!
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2012, 09:53:04 am »
Hi :)

I'd say something like this would probably work:
6:30-7 wake up
10:00-11:30 nap (let them)
2:30-3:15 nap
7:00 - bed time
What do you reckon?

I don't really know about the nap location thing :-\ I'd be happy if DS would nap somewhere other than the cot TBH - then I could go out and he could still sleep if he wanted...

Are they in one cot together or in two separate cots?

Offline Mum of twins

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Re: 2-1 and accidental parenting HELP!
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2012, 11:37:23 am »
Thanks for your reply :) yes that sounds good. I thought about doing the long nap in the am and short nap in the pm just i know when I start the 2-1 i want it to be one long nap in the pm so didn't know if it was confusing things? Shall I just stick with 2 naps for a bit longer then and not start extending awake times etc yet?

They are in 2 separate cots at night but in the same room. I'm not too fussed about the twin who sleeps in the pushchair however the one who sleeps on the settee could do with going in his cot just so I can leave the room! I didn't know whether to do do PU/PD? Or are they too old for this now?

Sorry for all the questions!

Sarah :)
Sarah :)

Offline becj86

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Re: 2-1 and accidental parenting HELP!
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2012, 08:35:21 am »
A long PM nap tends to be the latter stages of the 2-1 for a lot of LO's. You could definitely do the 30min AM nap and a longer PM nap, it just gets a bit sticky if they don't nap for long in the PM - a lot of mums like to get that long nap in the bank so to speak.

I would do WIWO probably rather than PUPD (which would just be PD at this age). Check these links out :) How to PU/PD (inc age adaptations) Walk In/Walk Out vs. The Gradual Withdrawal Method (HOW TO CHOOSE) Teaching independent sleep - methods

Offline Mum of twins

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Re: 2-1 and accidental parenting HELP!
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2012, 18:56:46 pm »
Ahh thanks for your help. That link is really useful so will definitely give one of the methods a go. The joys of parenthood eh?! :) x
Sarah :)