Hi all,
I have 2 problems really. It might be a bit hard to explain so bare with me. Firstly, I think my twin boys are getting ready for the 2-1 now as I'm finding it really hard to fit in 2 naps with a 7pm bedtime (which I need). They are almost 13 months old. I think it might be easier to post their EASY.
6:30-7 wake up
10:00-11:00 nap (they would sleep till 11:30 if I let them)
2:00-3:30 nap
7:00 - bed time

They are very ready for their first nap. I think their 2nd awake time could be pushed and the 3rd awake time definately can be pushed. I would love them to be awake before 3 as they settle much easier at night time. At the minute I'm keeping it to 3 hrs awake time to fit it all in! I think my question is for the 1st nap if I wake them before theyve had an hours nap they are so whingy until they go to sleep for the 2nd nap. Will they get used to it if I keep at it?
Im not sure I think I need a plan!
My 2nd problem is a bit of accidental parenting. In fact a lot! I need to tackle this now though. I need my boys to nap in their cot! They just hate it! They are fine at night time but I think the problem started when we got back from our holidays a few months ago where we let them sleep in their pushchairs. Now they scream when I put them in their cots during the day. One naps in his pushchair the other naps in the settee (always under my supervision). I feel awful admitting this! I just don't know which problem to tackle first! And how to go about it

do I "train" one at a time? Is it so bad that one of my twins naps in his pushchair? It is kinda good how they are separated so they don't wake each other up.
Sorry for the long post I know it's very jumbled. If anyone has got any advice at all for either of my problems I would be so grateful to hear it.
Thank you
Sarah x