My ds is cmpi but he was diagnosed at 7 months and wouldn't drink neocate as it tastes vile so he was put on soya milk. when dd was born she was prescribed neocate from birth as a preemptive measure. She's been fine on it. Its a very thin milk so lo can be very windy she needed burping frequently durin feeds. however she also has swallowing difficulties (currently being investigated) eg coughing and sputtering whilst feeding, spilling milk, only being able to drink upto 4 oz at a time and taking an hour to finish a bottle!. I had the doctor prescribe carobel (UK) to thicken milk and she's a different baby! It may be worth lookin into thickeners if you have problems cos neocate is really thin and I've read most babies struggle without thickener. Just bear in mind that carobel can cause wind and constipation. Having said that dd has been fine on it....Hth!!
Also, I struggled to find bottles that had good flow with neocate. Trie avent, tommee tippee, larger teat sizes and variflow. It was a very expensive experiment! Ended up using nuk bottles with silicone teats (latex not very good) and when I added thickener I upped the teat size to large hole. FYI 2oz carobel to 4oz neocate formula seemed to work best thickness wise- you jut have I experiment in what's best for your lo
good luck x