Hi, my DS is 15 months old and until a couple of weeks ago he had a great routine of me being able to lay him in his cot after 3.5hrs awake time and he would just talk himself to sleep and sleep for 1 n half to 2 hrs, and then he would have a cat nap of 30mins in the afternoon around 3.30. suddenly he has started to fight all naps and bedtime. He is ok if i just sit by his cot he will drift off. The am nap can now last anywhere betweeen 30mins and 1.5hrs and i am still keeping the short pm nap so that he is tired for bedtime. I am wondering if this is 2-1 transition but if i were to go out in the car or pushchair he would be asleep instantly which to me says he still needs am nap. i have tried keeping him up for 4 hrs before nap and this has made no difference. x